why this career might suit me

this career suits me as it is something i have been intresested in for awhile and is supported by some of my hobbies that i already participate in. not only this but i have often taken courses pretaining to thisn feild previously

ways I can prepare for this career would be working on stuff like higher level math. as well as acquainting myself more with the technology that we use in our everday lives

skills i might need

Some skills that are useful would be fighuring out unqiue solutions. The person I interviewed said it's important to be able to sit comftorable in a office for extended periods of time, other than that he recomended that you have basic communication skills.

The level of education I plan to presue as recommendded by my invterviewee and found in my own reaserch is a Bachelor degree in computer science, this level of education is good and anything above it is uneeded